For Sale by Owner Sign
Having the right for sale by owner sign can mean the difference in for sale and sold. Put one of those little plastic signs up from the hardware store and you'll likely do nothing else but mow around it. Passerby traffic is extremely important, especially if you live in a sought after community. So choose your sign carefully.

Here are a few tips/resources for buying a sign: 1. Have a nice two sided sign made at your local sign company 2. Have an information or info tube attached and have a flyer about your home. This will help to weed out lookers. BUT do NOT put the asking price on there. Make them call.
The sheet should include: a few photos, square footage of house and yard, # bedrooms, #bathrooms, updates and a paragragh on what makes your home different. 3. Buy a premade large metal two sided yardsign that is a minimum of 18"x24" big. 4. Place it where traffic traveling the street will see it. NOT where one side is facing your house and the other side facing the street. BAD. 5. Order a custom yardsign from an online retailer. Hope this article did some clarification about for sale by owner signs.
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