Going from Owning to Renting

Moving house is said to be right up there with divorce and bereavement on the stress Richter scale, so we were delighted when we sold our house within an hour of putting it on the market!

This lovely house with four bedroom was bought three years back and all the loans taken were refunded with two good wages that me and my wife earned. But the things started changing when came our first son then the expenditure also increased and my wife got sacked from job and the financial conditions became worse. Then the tax, electric bills, all started increasing and it became unbearable to manage in that house, so we decided to move onto a rented house.

We put up an advertisement in the market and within no time started coming customers and in 3 days we sold our house for a low price of $15,909 because we needed the money badly and we were unable to wait for a good customer with a good price. And thus we have to sell our dream house. Then we managed to find a single bedroom rent house and gave three month advance and started living over there. And the remaining money we had in our hands, we fixed that in the bank and got a monthly interest which helped us improve our financial conditions. And in this way lead our life.

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