Military for Rent by Owner

Looking for a military for rent by owner property or going to list your property?Often military families are given very short notice on deployment or transfer. This leaves those that are homeowners with no other choice than to lease their homes, many times.

Here are some home leasing tips:

1. Consider hiring a property management company. They will handle everything: marketing the property, leasing it, handling all payments and repairs. However, they do charge for this service.

2. If you decide to go the do it yourself route, a few words of advice: GET IT IN WRITING. Obtain a legal lease agreement from an attorney or you can order one here. Make sure it has the necessary state provisions to protect your property. You will have to market, lease and maintain the property yourself but it will save you money.

3. Continue to carry homeowners insurance but adjust your coverage with your carrier. You will just have insurance on the property not on contents. It is the responsibility of the renter to obtain renters insurance for their belongings.

4. When calculating rental fees be sure to include: mortgage payment, property taxes, home owners association dues, pet deposits (when applicable) ,property management fees (when applicable), insurance and some extra for possible repairs.Plan on moving back into the home? Or selling later? Make sure to have this in writing in the contract so there are no surprises for the renter.

Want to list your rental property for FREE on this site? Click here. Then you can use the web listing in your marketing campaign. There is no expiration on the listing, just let me know when you want it removed.

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