Our first Home

In August 2010, my husband and I purchased our first home. We loved it as it seemed perfect for us as the location was central to our workplaces and was very close to where we had previously been living. Moving, however, for us was a huge challenge.
My husband and his family moved around a lot when he was a kid due to his family’s changing careers and financial issues. For that reason, he hates moving. He hates packing, he hates the whole idea of it. But regardless, we found ourselves moving.

My best advice for a mover is to rent a storage unit close to where your new residence will be.This may or may not be economical for most first time home-buyers and/or movers, but we decided our best option was to go slow but steady. We rented a storage unit at a nearby facility and started putting larger items that we didn’t immediately need in there until we finished closing on our house.

We packed up all of our off-season items first and put those in the storage unit first because we knew we wouldn’t be needing them as soon. This made it great for us because we could see the progress happen and then we wouldn’t feel so rushed when the time finally came.

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