Selling a townhouse

After two months of trying to sell a townhouse without any bids, I was becoming frustrated with the brokers. While they assured me that they were doing everything they could in this tight real estate market, I was committed to doing everything I could to unload the property. I fed up with these brokers. After that I decided to write myself a fictitious email from the real estate brokers' office telling me that they had a bid on the home. I specifically wrote the amount of the bid and even the address and name of the broker responsible for the sale. I made the message as convincing as possible and would forward it to myself each and every time I opened my email. When I read the letter, I would pause for a moment and really allow myself to feel the sense of selling the home. This idea I was really worked out. I am ready to forget my two months failure in selling my home. I became so happy then. Within six days I received a phone call from the broker telling me that I had an offer on the house. The final price was just short of what I was asking for, though after two months of nothing, I was amazed at how quickly I was able to manifest success. I am very thankful to god for this fine deal.

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