Moving Tips
This article will discuss moving tips.
I will break it down into a 7 day, 2 week or one month moving strategy.
Before you start packing make sure you have gathered all your
moving supplies.

This move is perfect for an apartment dweller or perhaps a college dorm move. Or for the SERIOUS mover. No lollygagging allowed on this plan.
For those with over 1500 square feet of home, it will require a 1-2 hour a day commitment to complete a move this way.
7 days prior to move: Pack all decor in every room
6 days prior to move: Pack all closets. Leave out enough clothing for one week
5 days prior to move: Pack bathrooms (leave out toiletries needed for the week and two towels per person) then pack dining room/living room and den
4 days prior to move: Pack garage/outdoors
3 days prior to move: Finish packing garage outdoors, pack bedrooms
2 days prior to move: Pack kitchen and eat out until move is over, do NOT cook!
1 day prior to move: Pack any misc. lying around. Break down furniture as needed. There should not be anything left unpacked when you go to bed.
The day of the move: Wake up, remove linens from bed, put in your vehicle. Move.
We (family of 6 people) packed my sister up and moved her from a cheater husband in 3 hours from a 1200 square foot apartment, so a 7 day move can be done.
The 2 Week Move
This is how we move. I do not pack a THING until 2 weeks before the move date. I do however, do complete everything on my
home moving checklist.
14 days prior to move: Pack all decor from walls
13 days prior to move: Pack up living room entirely except TV
12 days prior to move: Pack up dining room entirely
11 days prior to move: Pack up all decor in bedrooms
10 days prior to move: Pack up garage day 1
9 days prior to move: Pack up garage day 2
8 days prior to move: Pack up closets
6 days prior to move: Pack up bedrooms except for beds/bedding
5 days prior to move: Pack up office except computer
4 days prior to move: Start on kitchen
3 days prior to move: Pack kitchen and eat out until move is over, do NOT cook!
2 days prior to move: Pack whats left in the kitchen
1 day prior to move: Pack any misc. lying around. Break down furniture as needed. Unhook TV, computer. There should not be anything left unpacked when you go to bed.
The day of the move: Move, you should not be packing a thing.
The 1 month Move
I do not recommend taking a month to pack. It is way more exhausting than the 2 week packing plan. This will only take you 20-30 minutes per day. But if you insist:
30-14 days prior to move: pack 4-6 boxes per day
14 days prior to move: organize all boxes, you should have more than 1/2 of your house packed.
13 days-2 days prior to move: pack 4-6 boxes per day and then pack an overnight bag.
1 day prior to move: pack up all misc. items. Go room to room there should not be any unpacked items in any room at all. NONE.
I hope these moving tips help you in your upcoming move.
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